While this gives the book a human touch evoking strong feelings from the reader, it makes the book interesting to read and is the reason why I agree with the author. Of importance is the unyielding support by the American people towards their army as well as the bitterness the American citizens held against Japan in the days following the event. He emphasized the varying feelings, thoughts, and personal experiences of those involved in this momentous event. This does not mean that he totally overlooked the political as well as economic implications. Unlike other writers whose works delve into the conspiracy theories surrounding Pearl Harbor, Lord’s major concern was the human element. Therefore, he is able to produce verifiable and reliable facts. Suffice to say that the author also utilizes a number of time-honored investigative methods. Many critics of this book argue that Lord uses eyewitness reports to recreate the events of December 7 1941. Therefore, the combination of surprise attacks and the relaxed manner in which the army reacted are the two major factors that aggravated the events of December 7 1941. By the time the American Army knew what was about to happen, there was little that could have been done to prevent the attacks. Lord not only exposes the failure by the Army Intelligence to decipher crucial leads but also how the decision-making process was impeded by military bureaucracy. The role of army intelligence is also brought into focus. Furthermore, the American Army ignored crucial occurrences, such as the “strange white wave,” a sign that was casually dismissed by senior army officials (Lord 45). The author creates the impression that the Japanese might have employed guerilla tactics not only catching America by surprise but also creating confusion within the American military ranks. However, what captures my attention is the Lord’s ability to juxtapose the element of surprise, under which the attacks were carried, with the nonchalant response by the American Army.

The book reveals several important issues. Gradually, the serenity is eroded as the reader begins to experience anxiety and unease as events unfold into a full-blown war. The same intimacy is captured in the first chapter, which emphasizes the beauty of the day and the serene atmosphere inside Pearl Harbor (Lord 7). The Preface is written in simple language and reflects much of the intimacy through which the Lord portrays the events of that day. Following the attack, the then United States of America US President Roosevelt regretted that the event “will live in infamy” (Lord 104). On this day, the Japanese Army staged surprise attacks on Pearl Harbor and left behind colossal collateral damage as well as untold human suffering. Day of Infamy is a book written by Walter Lord, the book reconstructs that day from both sides and different perspectives of the aerial attack of Pearl.